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Last Chemo and 3 month Ampuversary!6

"I guess this raft will work as a pillow for a little beach siesta"

Today Abby had her last chemo treatment and tomorrow is her 3 month Ampuversary! I can’t help but think about how far we’ve come.  Its amazing how noticing a limp in your pup can change everything. 

Abby taking a dip at dog beach in her new tripawd life vest

3 months ago I had never heard of canine osteosarcoma (please excuse my ignorance) and it was just my 4 legged lab and I.  So much has changed since then.  I went from loving a 4 legged lab to adoring and admiring my beautiful tripawd.  I went from not even knowing dogs could get bone cancer to knowing all I possibly could about the disease, diagnosis, progression, symptoms, treatment, protocol, clinical trials, etc.  We organized and executed a highly successful fundraiser and donated half the proceeds to the National Canine Cancer Foundation.  I have become an advocate for canine cancer research and Abby will soon be an honored guest and participant in a canine cancer survivor’s fashion show and luncheon.  We have grown our pawsome family by adding a rescued choc lab who although at times can be a challenge makes me laugh every day and Abby adores. And finally Abby is currently training to become a therapy dog for amputees (and LOVING every minute of it)

Abby's Grandpa (my dad) came to visit. This is the two of them making dinner for everyone on the beach

If I had my wish we would never have been put in this situation, but we were and we’ve made the best of it.  I’m sure all tripawd pawrents know all about the “double-take” that our pups seems to bring out of everyone.  Whether on a walk, at the dog park, dog beach or even at the vet it never fails…ppl can’t help but stare, but the one thing I hear from everyone is that despite the loss of her leg Abby is so happy. 

So now here we are…so much has changed but my eyes have been opened like never before.  We are lucky to have dog beaches, dog parks and dog restaurants/bars galore near us and we are making the most of it.  Although I still get upset and wonder why this had to happen to us I refuse to let those thoughts get us down.  I only give myself 3 minutes to pout, cry etc and I move forward .  I keep hope in my heart that I have a miracle puppy and I’m thankful for every minute I have with her.



  1.    Carmen (Catie's Mom) at April 30th, 2010 10:00 pm:

    You do indeed have a miracle puppy and a lucky one at that. Dog beaches and dog parks and dog restaurants – lovely, lovely.

    Happy 3-month ampuversary, Abby!

  2.    etgayle at May 1st, 2010 9:55 am:

    congratulations on your ampuversary abby!!! that beach does look like fun, even if it’s surrounded by water. what an inspiration you and your people are to all!!!! keep enjoying the moments!!!

  3.    Hopalong Harley at May 1st, 2010 9:59 am:

    Congrats on your 3month Ampuversary, Abby … and finishing chemo!

    And no, you are not ignorant; I had no idea either. Nor did I know people cut their dog’s leg off because of cancer, and I especially did not know dogs got chemotherapy.

    Keep up the pawesome work!

  4.    cometdog at May 1st, 2010 1:24 pm:

    You are putting us all to shame with your new fame! (tee hehehe – I made a ryhme!) Be sure to get lots of pics when you have your cancer awareness fashion show!

    Tell your mom – not to feel bad! I was the only 3-legged in the world until my mom found! Now, I have found so many great friends that have only 3 legs, too!
    My lonely days are over!


  5.    anyemery at May 4th, 2010 8:51 pm:

    Happy belated ampuversary, Abby! You are doing so well – and congrats on being all done with chemo!!

    I can’t wait to hear about your canine fashion show. Holly has a tutu you can borrow if you need a new outfit! 🙂

    We feel like you do – the last few months have turned our lives upside down, but there’s been a silver lining in it for us – finding this community, and being amazed by our tripawds.

    Here’s hoping for many, many more ampuversaries for you, Abby!
    Holly and Holly’s mom

  6.    jerry at May 5th, 2010 11:58 pm:

    You don’t need to apologize about not knowing anything about canine cancer. Neither did we. It was a lesson that we never wanted to learn. But once we did, we knew that we had to share what we discovered with others, to help them through the hard times and celebrate the good. We’re glad you’re out there doing it too Abby.

    Congratulations on coming so far in such a very short time. Paws up to you!!!!


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Abby the Labby, Living with Cancer is brought to you by Tripawds.