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Pawty, Chemo and A Birthday!6

First of all I want to tell everyone how incredibly successful our Canine Cancer Awareness Pawty was. I was blown away by the support and generosity of everyone that came. We had a great turn out and were able to raise a little over $2000.00 which we split between Abby’s treatment and the National Canine Cancer Foundation and my wonderful Oncologist even donated a free chemo treatment.


Abby and Kaya enjoying some shade at the fundraiser

So here’s where we stand at the moment. We are rotating Carboplatin and Cisplatin every 3 weeks. I had no idea what to expect and my primary vet had very little experience with it. Turns out its been a much easier journey than I exected. Granted we have only had 2 treatments and I know that as we go further along the chemo will most likely begin to take its toll of Abby but so far we have seen zero side effects. The treatments take about 3 minutes and then my little lab comes bee-bopping out of the back room ready to go. I haven’t seen any nausea or vomiting and she’s maintained her labby appetite (aka always pretends she’s starving).
This afternoon we went to our primary vet for chest xrays, blood work and an exam and so far everything looks good. Its been about 2 months since diagnosis and so far no visible chest mets, lymph nodes look good and her liver seems normal. We should get the blood work back early next week and we have our paws and fingers crossed that everything comes back normal.

Birthday Girl!

In addition to our good news today Abby celebrated her 6th Birthday on Wednesday! She was spoiled all day, got to play outside with her friends and watch a softball game (one of her favorite things to do) I’m starting to notice a few more gray whiskers on her little chin and they make me smile…there was a point a couple of months ago where I didn’t think we would see her 6th Birthday but here we are. I couldn’t be prouder of my Tripawd!



  1.    jerry at March 19th, 2010 5:29 pm:

    Awww Abby! What a time to celebrate! You sure are loved by so many people, and now the whole world too! Congratulations on your successful fundraising campaign, and your BIRTHDAY!

    Beautiful Tripawd girl, we love you.

  2.    ldillon81 at March 19th, 2010 5:53 pm:

    Happy Birthday, Abby!!! You seem preeeetty lucky to get to go to all those parties! I won’t let Jack read your post or he’s going to start thinking he’s worthy of more spoiling 🙂 Grats, girlie!

    <3 Laura and Jack

  3.    janeothejungle at March 19th, 2010 6:18 pm:

    Happy Birthday Abby!!! And Many many manys more to comes!!!

    luvs, Rosie

  4.    Mackenzie's Mom at March 19th, 2010 11:06 pm:

    Happy 6th Birthday Abby!!! Pawesome!! We are so happy to hear that you have all this good news coming your way. You are doing great and we look forward to hearing more great reports.
    Kami (Mackenzie’s Mom)

  5.    Peyton's Path at March 21st, 2010 8:35 pm:

    Congrats on the pawesome fund raiser! Who wouldn’t give such a pretty girl lots of money!

    Hoppy Birthday! We can’t wait to hear about you celebrating your 7th birthday Abby 🙂 !

    Glad chemo is treating you well!

    Dillon and Rhys

  6.    anyemery at March 28th, 2010 11:29 am:

    Yay, Abby! Congrats on a great fundraiser AND on your 6th birthday! We’ll keep fingers and paws crossed that chemo continues to go well for you and that you’ll celebrate many more birthdays! We love the picture of you and your mom in party hats/tiaras!
    Holly and Holly’s mom

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Abby the Labby, Living with Cancer is brought to you by Tripawds.